Error Deleted Off Quotes/Requote

1 min. readlast update: 04.26.2024

Off quotes/Requote could be returned by the broker when it is not able to execute the order at the requested price as the market price changed, in a few cases, the broker could be temporarily experiencing high latency, hence unable to sync price with their Liquidity Provider. This error can happen if your account is configured with Instant execution mode, in which you ask your broker to execute the order sent with a specific price. If in the meantime, the symbol price changes, the broker would send us an Off Quotes or Requote error. The Trade Copier would try to send the orders several times and if it would still not be executed, we would return the status Deleted : Off Quotes.

In that case, the only solution is to try and place a new order. Do also take care to check for any discrepancies between the master(s) and slave accounts. I suggest you to check with your broker to confirm why they have rejected the order(s).

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