Error Status

Error Account Already RegisteredError Account Symbol not foundError Broker BusyError Cannot Get QuoteError Closed by Sellout SLError Closed by Sellout TPError cTrader - Channel is blockedError DelayedError Deleted: Account Close OnlyError Deleted: Account is OFF/Open Only/Close Only ModeError Deleted: Account OffError Deleted: Account Open OnlyError Deleted after sentError Deleted busyError Deleted Close Before OpenError Deleted Closed Not FoundError Deleted Equity reaches SL/TP level (Drawdown)Error Deleted Failed MarginError Deleted: FOK RejectedError Deleted Full Partial CloseError Deleted Invalid PriceError Deleted Master Order Already ClosedError Deleted Off Quotes/RequoteError Deleted PartialError Deleted Quote not FoundError Deleted Symbol Close OnlyError Deleted Symbol DisabledError Deleted Symbol FrozenError Deleted Symbol in Master BlacklistError Deleted Symbol in Slave BlacklistError Deleted Symbol is FROZEN/Open Only/Close Only ModeError Deleted Symbol not FoundError Deleted Symbol not in Master WhitelistError Deleted Symbol not in Slave WhitelistError Deleted Symbol Open OnlyError Deleted Trade Copier is OFF/OpenOnly/CloseOnly ModeError Deleted TryError DisconnectedError DuplicateError Executed CancelledError Executed TimeoutError ExpirationError ExpiredError FailedError Failed MarginError Failed Not Able to CreateError Failed to be deletedError Hedge ProhibitedError Insufficient margin/Failed marginError Invalid ParametersError Invalid StopsError Market ClosedError Max Daily/Monthly OrdersError Max Monthly FeesError Max Account Open Position Count Error Max Account Position SizeError Max Symbol Position SizeError Minimum Round up Not AllowedError Not Found HistoryError Partial ExecutionError Pending Order Cancelled Rejected Error Pending Order RejectedError RejectedError Sellout SL TPError SentError Symbol Does Not Exist Error Symbol in Master Blacklist or Slave BlacklistError Symbol not in Master Whitelist or Slave WhitelistError Time OutError Trade Does Not ExistError Trade Not Copied Account DisconnectedError Trading BusyError Trading is DisabledError Trading Not AllowedError TriedError WaitingError Wrong AmountError Wrong Execution TypeError Your Wallet is Empty