Filtering symbols to copy with Whitelist & Blacklist

1 min. readlast update: 04.23.2024

If you wish to block a symbol or set of symbols from getting copied or define specific symbols you ONLY want to copy, the Symbols Filter is where you will define them. The Blacklist and the Whitelist can be set up on the Master and/or on the Slave.

We offer you two options to filter the symbols that need or do not need to be copied:

  • Blacklist: it will exclude from the copy all the symbols defined in the Blacklist.
  • Whitelist: it will only copy the symbols that are defined in the Whitelist.


How to Blacklist or Whitelist Symbols

  1. Enter the exact symbols (case sensitive) you wish to Blacklist OR Whitelist and click the add button. Please note it should be the symbol as listed on your Master or the Slave depending on whether you are creating the list at the master or slave level. 
  2. Toggle the Whitelist OR Blacklist button, whichever applies to you.
  3. Toggle the Activate Filter button.



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